
Brennblase Adrian Edelbrande 1400 Liter für Whisky und Brandy - Überholt

: 8542020

Vom Hersteller renoviert, 1400 Liter gehämmerter Kupfertopf mit Destillationskolonne zur Herstellung von Whisky und Brandy - neuwertiger Zustand.

Technical Details

  • Hersteller Adrian Edelbrande
  • Hersteller-Typ Pot Still 1400
  • Gemacht im Jahr 2020
  • 1400 liters
  • Anwendung Destillation von Whisky und Brandy
  • Pot Still Adrian Edelbrande 1400 liters
  • Pot Still Adrian Edelbrande 1400 liters
  • Pot Still Adrian Edelbrande 1400 liters
  • Pot Still Adrian Edelbrande 1400 liters
  • Pot Still Adrian Edelbrande 1400 liters
  • Pot Still Adrian Edelbrande 1400 liters
  • Pot Still Adrian Edelbrande 1400 liters
  • Pot Still Adrian Edelbrande 1400 liters
  • Pot Still Adrian Edelbrande 1400 liters
  • Pot Still Adrian Edelbrande 1400 liters
  • Pot Still Adrian Edelbrande 1400 liters
  • Pot Still Adrian Edelbrande 1400 liters
  • Pot Still Adrian Edelbrande 1400 liters
  • Pot Still Adrian Edelbrande 1400 liters
  • Pot Still Adrian Edelbrande 1400 liters
  • Pot Still Adrian Edelbrande 1400 liters
  • Pot Still Adrian Edelbrande 1400 liters
  • Pot Still Adrian Edelbrande 1400 liters

Copper Pot Still Adrian Edelbrande 1400 liters for Whiskey and Brandy

This Adrian Pot Still is made of special high-quality, hammered copper which is highly polished. The helmet of pot is pear shaped and steam heated heating coil is inside of the pot. A pot still is used to distil flavoured liquors such as whisky or cognac, but not rectified spirit because they are bad at separating congeners. This pot still has internal seam coil heater and therefore is can be used only for distillation of mash without fruits and botanicals. Spirits distilled in pots top out between 60 and 80 percent alcohol by volume after multiple distillations. Condensing is made in in vertical tubular heat exchanger where alcohol vapour will be cooled down into liquid alcohol with cold water. Operation is controlled with a thermostatic valve.

Technical characteristics

Made by                                 Adrian Edelbrande

Condition                               Totally refurbished in 2020

Fill capacity                           1400 litres

Post still diameter                  1250 mm

Post still heights (to flange)   1450 mm

Filling flange                          DN 400

Viewing window                    Diameter 125 mm

Max pressure                          0.5 bar over pressure

Post still material                   Highly polished copper, s=4-5 mm

Heating media                        Low pressure steam

Condensing tower                  Height 1500mm diameter 320 mm

Cond. Tower material            Stainless steel

According to                          European Regulation 2014 / 68 / EU