Bierbrauerei Zwei Gefäße VELO 15 hl/Bier, zwei Biere/Tag, bis zu 4000 hl/Jahr
: 9972024
Komplette Bierbraulinie mit zwei Gefäßen, hergestellt von der italienischen VELO (derzeit TMCI Padovan), geeignet für verschiedene Biersorten von ALEs bis LAGERs, alkoholfreien Bieren bis hin zu starken Imperial Stouts mit über 10 %. Die normale Biermenge betrug 1500 Liter und in der Hochsaison wurden an einem 10-Stunden-Tag zwei Biere gebraut. Die maximale Malzmenge beträgt 600 kg. Ohne Zuckerzusatz beträgt die Bierwürze 18,5 bis 21 Plato und mit Zuckerzusatz bis zu 35 Plato
Technical Details
- Hersteller VILO Italy (current TCMI Padovan)
- Hersteller-Typ Two vessel 15hl
- Gemacht im Jahr 2002
- 15hl/brew, 4000hl/annum
- Anwendung Craft-Bierbrauen
Complete Two Vessel Beer Brew Line VELO 15hl/brew, up to 4000hl/annum
Complete two vessel beer brew line made by Italian VELO (currently TMCI Padovan) suitable for various beer types from ALEs to LAGER’s, non-alcoholic beers to strong, over 10% Imperial Stouts. Normal brew size has been 1500 liters and during high season, they have brewed 2 brews during 10-hour day. Maximum batch of malt is 600 kg. Without adding sugar beer wort has been from 18.5 to 21 Plato and with sugar added, up to 35 Plato. One complete brew batch with CIP will take about 5-6 hours. In operation, this brewery has overlapped brew batches so that once the first batch of the day has been lautered and spend grain has been unloaded, they started next brew. Maximum weekly brewing capacity with 10 hour working days has been 6 brews (3x3000 liters CCT) due to fermenting tank capacity which leads to theoretical 4000hl max. annual production capacity.
Brew line consist of a malt mill, combined mash tun / kettle, one lauter tun / whirlpool, two hot liquor tanks, wort cooler, steam generator and CIP station with related control panels, pumps, instruments and pipes.
VELO Kettle / Whirlpool type BRM-15, year 2002, is insulated, two zone steam heated stainless steel vessel with electric motor driven stirring device, which works in both directions, height adjustment is manual. Normal cooking volume is 1500 liters but the brewery has cooked also 1900 liters with this vessel. It has hot fumes condensing system where odours of fumes are condensed with shell-tube type heat exchanger to waste water and lead to the drainage. Vessel is equipped with internal cleaning spray-ball.
VELO Mash Tun / Lauter Tun type TIN15, year 2002, includes malt hooper which can take max 600 kg malt. Vessel is made of stainless steel and it has a side hatch for unloading spent grain. It has removable filtration plate for lautering and a variable speed mash rake with a blade for grain removal. Vessel is equipped with internal cleaning spray-ball.
VELO Brew Controls has automated, analogue control of kettle stirrer, steam extraction, brewhouse & HLT pumps. It can be set up also to control steam to the kettle and follow set heating programs.
Nord Mills Malt Mill GW 200, year 2014. Milling capacity about 600kg/hour. Includes mill, malt collector, 25 m long screw auger with 2x electric drives
THERMOWAVE Wort Cooler type TL90NBXN, year 2002. Stainless steel 2-stage plate heat exchanger with glycol & water cooling
VELO Hot Liqueur Tank SAC25 2000 liters, year 2002, steam heated, insulated, stainless steel. Fixed place pump, control panel for HLT pump & steam heating
Custom made Hot Liqueur Tank 1700 liters, year 2002, electric heated, stainless steel, insulated tank with spray-bulb and heating elements installed.
Custom made Cold Water Tank 1500 liters, stainless steel, insulated
STEAMRATOR Steam Generator type FLM0, year 2009. Electric steam generator, output of 115 kg/hr of 5-7 bar & 150-170 C steam. Nominal heating of 75 kW, average heat to kettle is 68 kW.
TONSEN CIP Station, year 2018. 1x Sanitizer 250L tank, 1x 250L Caustic tank with eletric heating element