2018 - Water De-Aeration Plant DENWEL 100hl/h
SKU: 10412024
Very good condition water cold de-aeration plant made by DENWEL in year 2018. Capacity upto 100hl/h, comes with 126hl buffer tank.
Technical Details
- Manufacturer Bucher Denwal
- Manufacturer's type DWD100C
- Year 2018
- Capacity 40-100hl/h
- Application De-Aeration of Water
Water De-Aeration Plant DENWEL 100hl/h with Cold Column
This cold deration plant was delivered by Bucher Denwel in your 2018 and it is connected to 126hl VELO stainless steel conical bottom buffer tank. In Denwel cold de-aeration column water is homogeneously distributed on the top and CO2/N2 is injected at the bottom of the column. While the water flows downwards through the column, the CO2/N2 rises in counter current removing the oxygen to concentrations as low as 10 ppb. A speed-controlled pump maintains the level in the column and forwards the deaerated water into a buffer tank. De-aeration process is controlled Denwel DWD100C control unit with touch screen and Siemens S7 – series PLC. The unit has is fully CIP cleanable.
Technical Data
Final Oxygen level less than 10 ppb (0,01 ppm)
Operating Pressure 2 to 4 barg, 30 to 60 psig
Operating Temperature 8 to 30 °C, 40 to 90 °F
CO2/N2 purity 99,995%
Carbonation approx 2 g/l (water temperature dependent)
List of main equipment
1x Velo HL100 Fermentative DAL Stainless Steel Conical Bottom Tank On Legs, Volume 12,630, Year 2003, Weight 1,647 kg
1x Denwel Hach Orbisphere 410 Control
2x Danfoss VLT HVAC Drives
1x Denwel DWD100C Control
1x Alfa Laval M6+0 Heat Exchange