2019 - Mehupastööri Gebhardt EHA45 Sähkölämmitteinen 450 l/h - Ei koskaan asennettu
: 8582020
Uusi mehupastööri joka soveltuu pienimuotoiseen mehujen tuotantoon. laite pystyy pastöroimaan myös mehuja joissa on hedelmäliha mukana sekä vaikka tomaattimehuja. Laite on edelleen alkuperäisessä tehdaspakkauksessa.
Technical Details
- Valmistaja Gebhardt Anlagentechnik GmbH & Co. KG
- Valmistajan tyyppimerkintä EHA45 Electrical
- Valmistusvuosi 2019
- Kapasiteetti 450 liters / h at 80°C
- Tuoteryhmä Mehun pastörointi
- Status New - never installed
- Electrical heating capacity 45 kW
- Heating cols 5 x 9 kW
- Heating time approx 8 minutes
- Product content in heating coil 6 liters
- Electrical connection 3 phase / N / PE 400 V AC 50 Hz
- Fuse 80 A
- Juice inlet and outlet connections NW 25
- Main dimensions (L x W x H) 750 mm x 500 mm x 1400 mm
- Certificates CE Conformity
Juice Pasteurizer Gebhardt EHA45 Electrically Heated 450 l/h Never Installed
This Gebhardt juice pasteurizer is specifically designed for fruit juice production in small firms or gardening and horticultural associations. It can handle also juices with pulp and even tomato juices. This Gebhardt EHA45 pasteuriser is equipped with coaxial spiral heat exchanger and hot water circulating pump. The juice tube of a smaller diameter is located inside a larger hot water pipe. Hot water and pasteurised juice move in the opposite direction of each other, ensuring that the juice is warmed evenly. The power of the pasteuriser is step-by-step adjustable according to the number of operating heaters.
The thermostat keeps the hot water temperature at a desired level selected by the user, which should be 4-5 degrees warmer than the temperature of the juice that comes out. The juice temperature is adjusted manually by changing the flow rate with controlled valve, an external pump is required to feed the raw juice. Hot water is electrically heated in the water tank and pumped through outer pipe to heat the juice. Targeted and actual juice and water temperatures are displayed at the temperature display.
The juice pasteurized was never used, still in factory package and new like condition