Käymistankkeja Dizio 1200 hl, eristettyjä10 kpl (CCT)
: 9352022
Fermenting Tank CCT 1200 HL DIZIO, originally 10 pcs, still installed and ready for immediate dismantling
Technical Details
- Valmistaja DIZIO Costruccioni Meccaniche S.p.A
- Valmistajan tyyppimerkintä Outdoor Vertical
- Valmistusvuosi 1987
- Kapasiteetti 1200 / 1016 HL
- Tuoteryhmä Oluen käyttäminen
- Number of tanks available 10 pcs
- Insulation PU 150 mm
- Tank diameter (inner) 4800 mm
- Cooling media Glycol - Water solution
- Number of cooling zones 2 on side, 1 in cone
- Total height approx 10.5 m
- Design pressure 1.5 bar + statistic pressure
Fermenting Tank CCT 1200 HL DIZIO
Conical cone fermenting tanks (CCT) with gross capacity 1200 HL and net 1016 HL. All tanks are identical, made by Italian DIZIO Costruccioni Meccaniche S.p.A - all made in year 1987. Tanks are vertical outdoor type with 150 mm PU insulation, designed for seismic zone 2, supported from the bottom ring (no legs), with three (glycol) cooling zones, two on the side + cone. Tanks have mechanical cooling control as well as product handling valve system. Generally tanks are in good condition and they have a high hygienic level.