Gas Generator Wartsila 18V34SG Eletrical Capacity 5.5 MWe / 50 Hz with Auxiiliaries
: 10112024
This Wartsila 18V34SG unit was serving from 2008 till 2022 in Europe as district heating co-generation application. The engine has been running totally 54855 hours and always maintained by local Wartsila Service. Currently it is professionally dismantled and protected for storaging.
Technical Details
- Valmistaja Wartsila Finland
- Valmistajan tyyppimerkintä 18V34SG
- Valmistusvuosi 1995
- Kapasiteetti 5.5 MWe / 50 Hz + 5.3 MWth
- Tuoteryhmä CHP Power Generation With Gas Engine
Gas Generator Wartsila 18V34SG with eletrical capacity of 5.5 Mwe / 50 Hz with Auxiliaries
This Wartsila 18V34SG unit was serving from 2008 till 2022 in Europe as district heating co-generation application. The engine has been running totally 54855 hours and always maintained by local Wartsila Service. Prior to the plant shut down, engine was able to operate at its rated power (5500kWe). It was dismantled professionally, with support of manufacturer. The dismantled auxiliary equipment was operational until the shutdown and is available. Before dismantling the engine was preserved for long term warehousing according to Wartsila norms. Documentation and service background are available.
Gas engine is in a good condition, and it can be re-commissioned even in its current state, without overhaul or major repairs. Until the next major overhaul, it can be operated without restrictions for 9-10,000 operating hours in accordance with the instruction manual. The condition of the existing auxiliary systems is satisfactory, most of the equipment is suitable for re-commissioning.
Technical Characteristics
Engine type Wartsila 18V34SG
Electrical power output 5500kWe, 6838kVA
Thermal capacity 5830 kW at 90C (return 45C)
Engine speed, direction 750rpm, CW
Generator type ABB HSG 900XS8, 15kV, 50Hz
Engine control system WECS 3000
Turbocharger Napier NA 355
Fuel Natural gas
Application mode Cogeneration power plant (hot water)